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online poker cheats and hacks

Online Poker Cheats and Hacks in 2024

Increasingly, people encounter unfair play in online poker, which frustrates everyone. This primarily includes poker bots, players using solvers and HUDs and superadmins of online poker rooms. Real hacks and cheats for poker rooms are rare, with most offers on the market being fake and fraudulent. Despite poker sites implementing advanced security measures, instances of unfair play persist, negatively impacting the industry. Only private poker clubs, where players know each other and can vouch for each other’s honesty, seem to be unaffected. This article explores common online poker cheating and hacking methods, highlighting the tactics used and the protective measures against them.

Common Online Poker Cheating Techniques:

  1. Collusion: Players secretly collaborate to gain an unfair advantage over others. Collusion remains a persistent issue, with players sharing card information or strategizing in real-time to manipulate hand outcomes.
  2. Multi-Accounting: Individuals operate multiple accounts simultaneously to conceal their identity or compete against themselves in tournaments, skewing the odds unfairly, similar to collusion.
  3. Poker Bots: Programs designed to play poker against human opponents. Bots decide based on a predefined strategy without fatigue, emotion, or error, posing a significant fairness problem. Modern AI bots are almost undetectable by security systems, display human-like behavior, engage in chat rooms, and intentionally make mistakes.
  4. Real-Time Assistance (RTA Software): Software used to provide strategic advice during play, including the use of poker solvers and HUDs to determine optimal play. RTA, a sophisticated cheating form, has significantly impacted the game, evidenced by high-profile cases.
  5. Superuser Accounts: Instances where players become admins or access admin accounts to, for example, see opponents’ cards. Although these scandals are infrequent, they significantly erode the online poker community’s trust.

Poker Rooms’ Actions to Detect Foul Play

Poker sites have intensified their efforts against poker bots, RTAs, and other forms of cheating and hacking, employing advanced software to detect collusion, unusual patterns, and the use of prohibited software. Introducing anti-collusion measures and continuous monitoring for RTA and bot usage has been somewhat effective in preserving online gaming integrity. Players are encouraged to report any suspicious activities, enhancing online poker security. Security officers monitor suspicious accounts and can interrogate them in chat or suspend them after conducting video link checks. However, only those rooms with sufficient resources, technology, and commitment to their reputation undertake such measures. The inherent nature of online poker means it’s challenging to guarantee a completely fair play environment. This challenge exists in all online games, including esports and traditional sports.


Players should opt for reputable poker platforms and clubs, stay informed about common cheating methods, and use the security tools and resources offered by online poker sites for protection. Alternatively, consider playing poker in person. If you’re contemplating joining the “dark side” of online poker to earn a passive income, it’s suggested to purchase poker AI solutions from