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Shanky Poker Bot Review

Over the past decade or so, poker has become a popular way of having fun and winning cash and other rewards. With advances in technology and innovation, players can now download various software to assist them in winning games. Poker indicators and bots, for example, can help a player understand their chances of winning and decipher the opponent’s play style.

What is a poker bot?

A poker bot is software that can be downloaded on any PC and can play the game as though it were you playing. It adapts to your playing style and is programmed in a way that makes it harder for the opponent to beat you.

What is Shanky poker bot?

Shanky poker bot is the most advanced AI bot available today. This bot is used to play games at lower levels which can earn the player up to $1000 a month. Shanky poker bot plays high stake games at lower levels where other players put in more money. Many Shanky poker bot reviews state that players use the bot to play the first few ‘boring rounds’ and then take matters into their own hands towards the end to make big bucks.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How can I spot a poker bot?

The easiest way to spot a poker bot is by noticing how long they take to act on each hand. If the reaction time is the same each turn, then you are playing against a bot. For example, while a human may take 30 seconds or a minute to play their hand, a bot will always take a specific amount of time to play theirs, like 20 seconds or so. Additionally, the player may not respond in the online chat which means that a bot is in use.

Can anyone use shanky bot?

Shanky bot is a reliable poker bot that offers a free trial of 200 hands before you purchase it.

Are poker bots illegal?

Poker websites all around the world ban the use of poker bots. While you cannot be arrested or penalized for using a bot, you can be blacklisted from using poker websites.

Are there any scam artists selling bots?

Yes. They may try to lure you into buying their poker bots by promising huge pay-outs. However, they may steal your personal and credit card information and sell these in the market. Always beware of scammers and dodgy websites.