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How to create a poker bot using Python

Poker bots have become increasingly popular in the world of online poker. These bots, powered by artificial intelligence (AI), can play poker against human opponents and potentially earn money for their users. This article will guide you through the process of creating your own poker bot using the Python programming language, covering the basic components and strategies to make your bot competitive. So, how to create a poker bot using Python?

  1. Understanding Poker Bots

Poker bots are AI-powered programs designed to play poker autonomously. They analyze the current game state, make decisions based on predefined strategies, and execute actions such as betting, calling, and folding. A well-designed poker bot should have the ability to adapt its strategy to different situations, learn from its mistakes, and outplay human opponents.

  1. Required Libraries and Tools

To create a poker bot in Python, you will need some essential libraries and tools:

  • Python 3.x: The latest version of the Python programming language.
  • PyPokerEngine: A poker engine for building poker AI and simulations in Python.
  • TensorFlow or PyTorch: Popular machine learning libraries to help with AI decision-making.
  • Selenium: A web testing library that can be used to automate browser actions, allowing your bot to interact with online poker sites.
  1. Designing the Bot Architecture

The architecture of a poker bot can be divided into three main components:

  • Game State Parser: Responsible for extracting relevant information about the current game state, such as hole cards, community cards, pot size, and player actions.
  • AI Engine: Processes the game state information and makes decisions based on predefined strategies or learned patterns.
  • Action Executor: Takes the AI Engine’s decisions and executes them on the poker platform, either through direct API calls or by automating browser actions using Selenium.

  1. Implementing the Game State Parser

To implement the Game State Parser, you will need to use the PyPokerEngine library. Start by installing the library using pip:

pip install PyPokerEngine

Next, import the required modules and create a class that will be responsible for parsing the game state:

from import setup_config, start_poker

class GameStateParser:
    def __init__(self):
        # Initialize the parser

    def parse(self, game_state):
        # Extract relevant information from the game state
  1. Developing the AI Engine

The AI Engine is the core of your poker bot, responsible for making decisions based on the game state. To build the AI Engine, you can use TensorFlow or PyTorch to create a neural network that will learn optimal strategies through reinforcement learning. Alternatively, you can implement rule-based strategies or use a combination of both.

Start by creating a class for the AI Engine:

class AIEngine:
    def __init__(self):
        # Initialize the AI Engine

    def decide(self, parsed_game_state):
        # Make a decision based on the parsed game state
  1. Implementing the Action


The Action Executor will take the AI Engine’s decisions and execute them on the poker platform. To do this, you can use the PyPokerEngine API for local games or Selenium for browser automation in online poker sites:

class ActionExecutor:
    def __init__(self):
        # Initialize the Action Executor

    def execute(self, action):
        # Execute the given action on the poker platform
  1. Putting It All Together

Once you have implemented the three main components, you can create the main poker bot class that will tie everything together:

class PokerBot:
def __init__(self):
self.game_state_parser = GameStateParser()
self.ai_engine = AIEngine()
self.action_executor = ActionExecutor()

def play(self, game_state):
parsed_game_state = self.game_state_parser.parse(game_state)
action = self.ai_engine.decide(parsed_game_state)

if __name__ == "__main__":
poker_bot = PokerBot()

# You can now use your poker bot to play games.
# For example, you can create a game using PyPokerEngine and add your bot as a player:
config = setup_config(max_round=10, initial_stack=1000, small_blind_amount=5)
config.register_player(name="poker_bot", algorithm=poker_bot)
game_result = start_poker(config, verbose=1)
  1. Training and Testing Your Poker Bot

After implementing your poker bot, you will need to train and test it to ensure it performs well against human opponents. You can use reinforcement learning to train your bot by playing games against itself or other poker bots. Additionally, you can evaluate your bot’s performance by playing against human opponents on online poker sites.

  1. Enhancing Your Poker Bot

To further improve your poker bot, you can consider implementing additional features such as:

  • Opponent modeling: Analyzing the behavior of your opponents to predict their actions and exploit their weaknesses.
  • Bankroll management: Implementing strategies to manage your bot’s bankroll, preventing it from going broke.
  • Adaptive learning: Continuously updating your bot’s strategies based on its performance in real games.


Creating a poker bot in Python can be a challenging yet rewarding project. By following this guide and implementing the necessary components, you will have a solid foundation for your poker bot. With further development and refinement, your bot could become a formidable opponent in the world of online poker.

How to build a poker bot (Part 1 Counterfactual Regret minimization)


  1. Are poker bots legal?

The legality of poker bots depends on the jurisdiction and the specific online poker site. Some sites explicitly forbid the use of poker bots, while others may tolerate them. Always check the terms and conditions of the poker site before using a poker bot.

  1. Can poker bots make money?

A well-designed poker bot can potentially make money by playing against human opponents or other poker bots. However, keep in mind that many online poker sites actively try to detect and ban poker bots, so the long-term profitability of using a poker bot is uncertain.

  1. How can I make my poker bot undetectable?

Making a poker bot undetectable can be challenging, as poker sites employ various techniques to detect suspicious behavior. Some strategies to avoid detection include varying your bot’s playing style, limiting its playing time, and randomizing its actions. However, there is no guarantee that these methods will prevent your bot from being detected.